Privacy Statement

For Red Bull MOBILE, the safe and sensitive handling of data is of vital importance. You can trust us to handle your data securely – this is very important to us. We therefore comply with European and national data protection regulations, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act (DSG) and the Telecommunications Act (TKG). An essential part of this is to make our regulations regarding data protection transparent for all data subjects.


Responsible for data processing is A1 Telekom Austria AG, Lassallestraße 9, 1020 Vienna. You can also contact our data protection officer at this address.


We take effective technical and organizational precautions to protect your data, and our employees are also trained in the handling of personal data.


The following Statement explains which personal data we process about you, to what extent and for what purpose.


If you have given us the corresponding consent, we will process your data to the effect that

  • we may provide you, even up to three years after termination of our contractual relationship, with information about our services or services with additional benefits or products and services of third parties. We use the following communication channels, if you have provided them to us: Telephone, e-mail, SMS, postal or social media channels.
  • we process your measurement, master, traffic and other personal data as well as your WLAN measurement data in order to recommend to you suitable services and services tailored to your usage behaviour with additional benefits from us or from third parties.
  • we process your measurement, traffic, master and other personal data together with the following contract attributes in order to produce further anonymous analyses:
    Age, gender, zip code, products and categories that we assign to you based on your usage patterns.
  • These anonymous data analyses are methods and techniques that are often summarized under the term “Big Data”. It is not possible to draw any conclusions about your person.
  • we process your master, traffic and other personal data in order to determine how many people areparticularly important to you due to your usage behaviour, by comparing how many people you have contact with during which part of the day. Of course, these persons are not identified and are excluded by technical measures. We collect technical information on the end devices with which you use our services. This is profiling. We use this information to improve our services and better tailor our offerings to your needs.
  • we may transfer your measurement, master, traffic and other personal data to Vodafone Global Enterprise Limited (England) and to Telekom Austria AG and its subsidiaries. These are currently: wedify GmbH, A1 Digital International GmbH, Telekom Liechtenstein AG, A1 Hrvatska d.o.o. (Croatia), A1 Slovenija d.d. (Slovenia), A1 Bulgaria EAD (Bulgaria), one.Vip DOO Skopje (Macedonia) and Vip mobil d.o.o. (Serbia). These companies may use them to provide you with offers and information about their services through the communication channels you specify. These companies will delete your data at the latest after three years from the date of transmission. If you revoke your consent, we oblige those companies to delete the data immediately.
  • we may transfer your master data and other personal data to paybox Bank AG and paybox Service GmbH, and these may submit offers and information about their services to you via the communication channels specified by you. If you revoke your consent, paybox Bank AG or paybox Service GmbH will immediately delete the transmitted data.

Please note: You can also revoke your consent at any time. Simply use our contact options, e.g. on our website. If you revoke such consent, this will have no effect on the fulfilment of our contractual obligations. If you revoke your consent, we will no longer use your data for the stated purposes. If you inform us that you are no longer to be contacted by us, it may take a few days until these changes are recorded in all our systems and you actually no longer receive any advertising from us. We ask you for a little patience.

We use the following data:

General data – if you conclude a contract with us, we process the following data:

  • Your master data: Family and first name, academic degree, address, participant number and contact information (e.g. e-mail address, telephone number), information about the type and content of our contractual relationship and your creditworthiness.
  • Other personal data that you or third parties make available to us with your consent or otherwise permissibly when initiating the contract or during the contractual relationship are: Date of birth or age, marital status, gender, occupation, ID card data, bank details, authority to sign or represent, terminal equipment used, contractual obligation, contract term, period of notice, products of subsidiaries of A1 Telekom Austria AG or other information about you that you have obviously made public yourself. This term does not include data that is sensitive under data protection law (“special categories of personal data” within the meaning of Art. 9 GDPR), in particular racial and ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or ideological convictions, trade union membership, genetic or health data

Telecommunications data – if you conclude a contract with us for telecommunications services, we will process the following additional data in accordance with your contract:

  • Your traffic data including location data: Data that we process to forward a message to a communications network or for billing purposes.
  • WLAN measurement data: Properties of the WLAN frequency used (transmission strength, overlay, network strength), duration of the connection, network strength and type of individual end devices, as well as WLAN restoration and networking of meshup systems of routers/modems provided as part of our fixed network products.

Your content data will not be stored. This data will only be stored for a short period of time if it is technically necessary or if it concerns the provision of services, e.g. SMS or mobile mail messages.

Smart Home data – if you conclude a contract with us for a Smart Home product, we will also process the following data:

  • Measurement data: the data generated or collected by the devices or sensors connected to your Smart Home System in conjunction with the Internet connection data of your Smart Home System.
  • Subscriber data: Participants can be created by you to enable different people to interact with the Smart Home System using an app. We store your surname, first name, e-mail address, mobile phone number and position using the app of the participant you created, provided the participant accepts your invitation.
  • User profile: Individual user profile generated on the basis of your measurement data and the interaction of your participants with the Smart Home system for intelligent control of Smart Home.

Data transfer to third parties

We will not pass on your data to unauthorised third parties without your consent. However, we may be legally obliged to disclose your information to courts, prosecutors, police or other authorities.

Even a large company cannot do everything on its own. We therefore commission data processors to carry out certain tasks for us, e.g. for IT and cloud services, invoice printing, service lines, tools for administration and troubleshooting, logistics, distribution, etc.

Even if we commission such a data processor, we remain responsible for the protection of your data. For this reason, we of course also contractually oblige third-party companies to keep your data confidential and to comply with data protection regulations. We only use contract processors outside the European Union if the third country in question is covered by an adequacy decision of the European Commission or if we have agreed on suitable guarantees or binding internal data protection regulations with the contract processor.

This is how long we keep your personal data in detail:

  • We will delete your master data and other personal data after termination of the contractual relationship, at the latest, however, after expiration of all legal storage obligations. A longer storage period applies if this data is still required in order to charge or collect fees, to process complaints (for which there is a three-month objection period) or to fulfil other legal obligations, such as in accordance with the Federal Tax Code (§ 207f BAO) or the German Commercial Code (§ 212 UGB). For reasons of proper bookkeeping and pending audits by the tax authorities, your master data will generally be kept for 7 years (from the end of the contract) ((§ 207f BAO), unless longer storage is necessary due to ongoing procedures. Books and records as well as the documents belonging to the books and records are also kept as long as they are relevant for pending proceedings. Of course, access to the aforementioned data is restricted so that they can only be accessed by those employees who carry out processing for the aforementioned purposes.
  • We will store your traffic data for the purpose of charging you, including for interconnection services, until the expiry of the period within which the invoice may be legally contested or payment may be claimed. They will then be deleted. The objection period of three months begins differently depending on the customer (receipt of the invoice) and, in this respect, the corresponding postal run or internal process must also be taken into account when taking up any objection to the invoice. In order to safeguard the rights of the customer and to ensure that any objections to invoices are fully investigated, traffic data may be stored for a period of up to six months. If a procedure is initiated regarding the amount of the charges, we must retain the data until the final decision of the authority.
  • We delete your content data as soon as their processing is no longer necessary for the provision of our communication services.
  • We delete your WLAN measurement data at the latest three months after their collection.
  • Your subscriber data will be deleted as soon as a subscriber is removed or upon termination of your Smart Home contract.
  • We will delete your measurement data no later than six months after their collection.
  • We will delete your user profile upon termination of your Smart Home contract.

It is possible that the data may be anonymised instead of deleted. In this case, all personal references will be permanently removed, which is why the obligations to delete data under data protection law will no longer apply.


We use automated data processing techniques to analyze and improve our products and services, to improve contact, and to analyze user behavior. Such procedures are referred to as profiling and help us in particular to make you suitable personal offers based on your previous use of our products. Profiling also helps us to identify and correct disruptions in our network or in our services, to detect fraud, to detect misuse and also to plan and optimize the network. You can find details on processing at the respective processing steps listed. If we use profiling, however, this will never result in automatic decisions that have a legal effect on you.

Processing of your data

  • We process your master, traffic, location and content data as well as WLAN measurement data, other personal data, measurement and subscriber data as well as your user profile for the provision and billing of our respective communication services and for contract processing. If you call a number in another network or if you are in a different network yourself (roaming), your traffic data will also be transmitted to the respective interconnect or roaming partners via which your connection is established. In addition, we process your data in order to comply with legal or contractual information obligations, such as information about changes to your contract, or to inform you in good time about planned changes, such as maintenance work. At your request, we will include your master data and other information provided by you for this purpose in our electronic subscriber directory (telephone book). Please note that we are legally obliged to forward our subscriber directory to other publishers of such directories ans we also obtain telephone directory data from them.
  • We also process your master and traffic data and other personal data internally to identify and correct disruptions in our network or our services, to detect fraud, to detect misuse as well as for network planning and optimization.
  • Before concluding a contract as well as during a valid contractual relationship with you, we as a company have a legitimate interest in learning more about your creditworthiness. If you were already our customer at an earlier point in time and you have always paid your invoices to us on time, we will note you as a VIP customer for five years after the end of the contract. In this case, we will not obtain any credit information about you. If you are not registered with us as a VIP customer, we will use the master data provided by you in the course of the registration as well as your date of birth to obtain information about your creditworthiness from a credit agency.
    This is processing in the sense of the profiling described above, in which the surveyed credit agency provides us with an assessment of your creditworthiness (score value) on the basis of the aforementioned data. If your credit rating is too low or if information is missing, we may refrain from concluding a contract with you or request additional collateral. If you have any objections, simply use our contact options and state your point of view. If you do not comply with your contractual obligations, we can hire a debt collection agency. In this case you will be notified in advance so that you can comment. The credit agencies with which we currently cooperate are Lowell Inkasso Service GmbH, Regensburger Straße 3, A-4020 Linz, BISNODE Austria GmbH, Jakov-Lind Straße 4/2, 1020 Vienna, CRIF GmbH, Diefenbachgasse 35/3/8, 1150 Vienna and KSV 1870 Forderungsmanagement GmbH, Wagenseilgasse 7, A-1120 Vienna.
  • We process your measurement data to create your user profile for the intelligent control of your Smart Home product and to detect and correct disruptions in our Smart Home product.
  • The above-mentioned processing of your data is necessary to conclude or fulfil your contract with us. If you do not provide us with this data or do not do so completely, we may not be able to fulfil our contractual obligations towards you completely or may not be able to conclude a contract with you.
  • We process your billing information and other personal data for a purpose compatible with the original processing, namely to provide you with an overview of your interest in our products and services and to assign you internal user categories. Based on this, we will recommend to you appropriate services and services with additional benefits tailored to your usage patterns.
  • We process your WLAN measurement data acquired in connection with a fixed line Internet product as part of the fulfilment and servicing of our contract with you, namely in order to recommend improvement measures in the event of poor signal quality, as well as for the general improvement of signal quality indoors.
  • We process your traffic data for statistical purposes, i.e. for investigations whose results are aggregated and therefore anonymous data, namely for the preparation of anonymous flow analyses of crowds. We can make these analyses available to third parties as part of our products – also for a fee. The security measures we have taken prevent the processing result from being traced back to specific individuals. Under no circumstances do we pass on traffic data to third parties for this purpose. Should you nevertheless not agree with this processing, you are welcome to opt out at any time. Simply use our contact options on for this purpose.
  • If necessary, we process personal data to fulfill legal obligations such as §§ 94, 98, 99 TKG, § 207f BAO, or § 212 BAO.

Websites of A1

A1 maintains a number of websites, such as, which may also process personal information about you when you visit them. You can find more information about the processing of personal data on our websites here or on the corresponding website.

Apps of A1

We offer you numerous apps that you can use in connection with our products and services or independently of them. Some of our apps may also process your personal data when you install them on your mobile device. You can find more detailed information about the processing of personal data in the respective app.

Data of Third-Party-Sources

We sometimes process personal data which we have not received directly from the persons concerned (but for example from address brokers, publicly available sources, etc.). You can view the third party sources we use here.

Cooperation with partners

We cooperate with the online marketer Geolad GmbH. They coordinate the content of advertising banners on other websites and adapt their content to the user. We transmit information about the age category, gender and region of the website user to Geolad.
Of course, we only do this as long as you have agreed to the analysis of your data for this purpose. You can of course revoke this consent at any time, simply contact us or manage your consents in the protected online area of your product.


If you take part in a lottery organised by us, we will in any case store the personal data you provide during your participation in order to determine a winner and to be able to contact him/her. Details can be found in the respective conditions of participation for the lottery.

Contacting A1

If you have any questions or complaints, you can contact us through a variety of channels, including telephone, email, social media channels and mail. In order to respond to your request, we store the contact details you use, such as your email address, telephone number, address or social media identifier, and the time and content of your request. In order to respond to your request, especially if it is a technical problem or an inquiry about the products or services you are using, we may also need to process your master and traffic data stored with us and any records of previous contacts with you.
We want to constantly improve our service. Therefore, we have a legitimate interest in recording conversations between our service staff and our customers from time to time. We evaluate these conversations according to criteria of an efficient and qualitative course of conversation. This enables us to train our employees to respond even better to their needs. We inform you of a planned recording before the beginning of your conversation with our employee. If you do not want a recording, simply tell our staff at the beginning of the interview. We will then stop the recording and delete the conversation.

Conclusion of contract with our sales partners

We use various sales partners who support us in concluding contracts with our customers. If you have concluded a contract with us through one of our sales partners, they will receive your A1 customer number. This is necessary to verify the correctness of the billing with us.

Important information about your contract

If there are changes or important information about your contract, for example an adjustment of the monthly base fee, changes in the scope of services, or temporary restrictions of our services (e.g. due to maintenance work), we want to inform you in due time. We process your master data in order to inform you by telephone, post, SMS or e-mail.

Invoicing and payment

Depending on which option you choose, we can send you your invoice by post or e-mail. We process your e- mail address or postal address for this purpose. Of course you will also find your invoices in your personal service area on our website.

If you pay your invoice by SEPA direct debit or credit card, we work together with banks, credit card companies and other payment service providers. When processing credit card payments, we work together with Wirecard Bank AG, whose data protection declaration can be found here.

WiFi in A1 Shops

We would like to make your stay in our A1 shops as pleasant as possible. Therefore, we provide internet access via WiFi in some of our shops. If you use this service, we process the MAC address of your device for service provision. A further allocation of this data to a specific person will not occur.

A1 Events

We want to stay in contact with our customers and exchange ideas. For this purpose, we organize events with different focuses from time to time. We process your master data to send out invitations and for the guest list. For the planning and organisation of our events we work together with different partner companies. In order to optimize our events, we need to know which topics interest you. This is why we evaluate your acceptances and rejections. If you no longer wish to be invited to our events, then simply use our contact options.


We are always committed to improving our services to the satisfaction of our customers. If you have therefore given us your consent to contact you, we or partner agencies appointed by us can contact you via the channels you have selected for the purpose of customer and satisfaction surveys.

You may exercise the following rights with regard to the processing of your personal data:

Right of Access: You can ask us to confirm whether and to what extent we process your personal data. Simply use our contact options on our websites. Plese be aware that we cannot reveal any details about our business and trade secrets within the scope of our duty to provide information. In order to protect your data it is necessary for us to carry out an identity check.

Please note that we cannot answer requests for information on the following topics, or can only answer them to a limited extent:

  • Except in the cases regulated by law, we may not store your traffic data in accordance with § 99 TKG. You will therefore only receive proof of individual calls in accordance with § 101 TKG if you request the relevant information.
  • If it would impair the rights and freedoms of third parties, we do not provide names, but only categories of data recipients.
  • We do not disclose any conversation recording (see “Contact with A1” above). This would be a disproportionate intrusion into the rights and freedoms of our service employees who had the conversation with you. In addition, the call records would have to be assigned to specific customers, which is currently not the case in view of the principle of data minimization.
  • IBAN, credit card numbers or similar payment-related information will only be disclosed in abbreviated form. This serves the protection of your payment data.

Right to Rectification: If we process your personal data that is incomplete or incorrect, you may request that we correct or complete it at any time.

Right to Erasure: You can request us to delete your personal data if we process it unlawfully or if the processing disproportionately interferes with your legitimate protection interests. Please note that there may be reasons that prevent an immediate deletion, e.g. in the case of legally regulated storage obligations.

Right to Restriction of Processing: You can ask us to restrict the processing of your data if

  • you dispute the accuracy of the data for a period of time that allows us to verify the accuracy of the data,
  • the processing of the data is unlawful, but you refuse to delete it and instead demand a restriction on the use of the data,
  • we no longer need the data for the intended purpose, but you still need this data to assert or defend legal claims, or
  • you have objected to the processing of the data.

Right to Data Portability: You may request that we make available to you the data you have entrusted to us for storage in a structured, common and machine-readable format, provided that

  • we process this data on the basis of your given and withdrawable consent or for the fulfilment of a contract between us, and
  • such processing is carried out using automated procedures.

Right to Object: If we process your data for the performance of tasks in the public interest, for the exercise of official authority or if we refer to the necessity of safeguarding our legitimate interest during processing, you may object to this data processing if there is a predominant interest in protecting your data. You can object to the sending of an offer or advertisement at any time without giving reasons.

Right to Appeal: If you are of the opinion that we violate Austrian or European data protection law when processing your data, please contact us in order to clarify any questions you may have. Of course, you also have the right to complain to the Austrian data protection authority ( as well as to a supervisory authority within the EU.

Assertion of Rights:

If you wish to assert any of the aforementioned rights against us, simply use the contact options mentioned on the respective trademark website.

Confirmation of Identity:

In case of doubt, we may request additional information to confirm your identity, e.g. a legible copy of a valid photo ID with signature. This is to protect your rights and privacy.

Excessive Claiming of Rights:

Should you exercise any of the above rights manifestly unfounded or particularly frequently, we may charge a reasonable processing fee or refuse to handle your request.

Scope of Consent:

  • We offer our products and services under different brands (e.g. A1, bob, Yesss!, …). Consent or revocation always applies to all products and services of the same brand that you purchase or have purchased from us. Please let us know about the contact options if your consent or opposition should refer to products or services of other brands.
  • Please inform co-users of your connection or the service provided by us (e.g. employees or relatives) about the processing and transfer of your data to the extent of your consent. Do not give any consent to us unless the co-users of your connection also agree.

Obligation to Cooperate:

Please note that, pursuant to § 94 TKG, we are obliged to cooperate to the extent required by law in monitoring messages and providing information about data of a message transmission. For this purpose, we may have to transmit master data, traffic data and/or location data to the responsible authorities. The data is transmitted via a specially designed system and is always encrypted.

Protection against Harassment:

Is someone harassing you with repeated calls? Then please contact us right away! At your request, we can set up a fee-based catch circuit for future calls, including suppressed calls, in accordance with § 106 TKG. This allows the caller to be identified and you can contact the police with this information.

Emergency Calls:

In order to provide the emergency services with the best possible support in the event of an emergency call, we are obliged in accordance with § 98 TKG to transmit your master and location data to an emergency call service at its request. Of course, we will inform you if we process your location ID (Cell-ID), but this may take a few days.

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